This interactive website lets you build the perfect bar atmosphere at home | TasteToronto
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This interactive website lets you build the perfect bar atmosphere at home

As we inch closer to the one-year anniversary of when Toronto entered its first lockdown, it’s sometimes difficult to remember what it was like before the pandemic. 

While it may be quite a while until we can visit bars and restaurants like we used to again, here’s one way to spruce up your weekend evening.

A Mexico-based restaurant, Maverick, has created an interactive website that allows you to create a conventional bar atmosphere at home.

Using a series of atmospheric sound clips, 'I Miss My Bar' users can effectively layer and build the perfect ambience while they enjoy a drink over Zoom with their friends in an attempt to mimic the night-out experience we all desperately miss.

In no way is this close to the real deal, but after a long year in virtual hibernation, I Miss My Bar is a great way to restore some of that nightlife experience.

The tool incorporates seven different looping sound clips and allows you to pick and choose which ones you want added to your overall atmosphere. Select from the delightful noises of a working bartender, ambient chatter, a full room of buzzing people, rain calmly hitting a window, night and street ambiance and pouring drinks.

Each layer allows you to control the level of volume with a full-range slider. A specially curated playlist is updated weekly to add an even more familiar bar experience.

 Check out the site to build your Friday night-out experience at home.